Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Are women Facebook addicts?

Female Facebook addicts across the world are rushing to update their Facebook statuses chasing.
20 percent of women routinely wake up to check their Facebook account during the night.While an astounding 26 percent rouse themselves out of a deep sleep to check Facebook.
57 percent talk more to people online than in real life! Can You believe that? and 31 percent confessed to feeling more comfortable about their online personas than their real life counterparts. Second Life anyone?
Finally, 42 percent said they did not see anything wrong with posting pictures of themselves visibly intoxicated with alcohol or be it any other intoxicating agent.
Facebook is the new fashion for women( quickly becoming men's too), and its not for a season, but for an eon.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Social Media Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

Although both social media and other forms of marketing might sound the same to you, there is a huge difference, the difference is interruptive marketing Vs. uninteruptive marketing. Traditional marketing such as TV and radio force advertisements that we have to take in. Think you are watching your favorite show and then comes an ad telling why it is the best toilet cleaner in the world, during the most interesting part of the show. Whether you watch the ad, change the channel or walk away is because you are forced to that ad. which comes to what i am saying, you are interrupted from what you were doing.
Social media marketing on the other hand doesn’t implement such methods. There is no interruption involved. It is your choice whether you want to view the ad or not. Social media marketing requires particular social media platform communites.

As social media becomes more and more ubiquitous in today’s online generation the impact on business will only increase. It is not only beneficial, but absolutely essential for the bottom line of any company’s sales goals and to stay ahead of your competition.

Adbrite Cool Stuff

AdBrite has a very robust line of offers, and basically includes all of the options listed in this multi-part blog post for publishers and sponsors, and then some. These options include:

Text Ads: These ads are billed/paid on a CPC basis, and the colors and format of the ad blocks can be customized in the same manner as Adsense.

Banner Ads:The banner ad sizes available from AdBrite are not customizable.
You get pre made options of designs.

Full Page Ads: Otherwise known as “interstitial ads”. These are those pages that will sometimes appear when you are browsing and may be irritating to some people.

Adbrite is obviously weak compared to Adsense.
For those who are not approved by google can go for adbrite, its easy to register and easy to use.Visit here to register

Monetize your blog!

You can sell ad directly on your blog. This cuts out the middleman and you can usually make more money than you could with just Adsense.There are lots of ways to make money online. One great method is to start an engaging blog and be a thought leader in your niche. Some niches are very competitive such as gaming, tech, and finance but others might be quite uncompetitive.
As you’re building up your readership you’ll want to start thinking about ways that you can turn that traffic into money. The following five monetization methods are an excellent place to start:

Sell Ads:You can sell ad directly on your blog. This cuts out the middleman and you can usually make more money than you could with just Adsense.

Google Adsense: A lot of people have used Adsense to make money from their writing and it can work great if done right.
    Make sure you place your ads in locations that don’t look too spammy and make sure you’ve placed Adsense on the pages of your blog that are getting a lot of traffic. Adsense is likely the easiest of all of these monetization methods but it is also the lowest earner in many instances.

    Affiliate Program online:
    1. If you have a blog with a good amount of readers then you can get paid a commission every time those readers perform an action or buy something from another website. Affiliate marketing can be tough work because your business model is reliant on your visitors converting on another site. If you have enough traffic or enough or your conversion rate is higher , it might be easy but otherwise you may have trouble with online affiliate program.
    Get Readers Back:
    Engage your readers. Make them laugh, give them useful information and advice, and give them a reason to come back often. It’s not easy but it can be very profitable.